Monday 14 March 2011

2011 International Olympic Academy Here I Come!!!

photo with the torch when it came through Southern Manitoba 
I used to dream of becoming the starting goaltender for our National Women's Hockey team. I worked towards that goal until the age of 20, playing in 3 national championships, and when I felt my goal was just out of reach I shifted my focus to officiating and coaching the game I loved. I became a level 3 referee and couldn't quite see myself reaching the Olympics on the ice. My passion for amateur sport has not faded over time even though my dreams of wearing number 39 between the pipes, or dropping the puck at centre ice, have.

I have found new ways of making a difference such as volunteering behind the scenes, and on the front line, always enjoying the challenge. By working with young people I may inspire a future Olympian or even more likely another local leader such as myself. If my efforts also inspire former athletes and other various community members to get involved I would feel I have made a difference. I have a passion for story telling and see that Canadians connect with athletes of all ages and abilities once they hear their story.

I work every week to do just that and have discovered amazing people right here in Manitoba. I capture their story, share it on the radio and online. I introduce people to new sports, athletes with unique challenges, some with success stories, others who just love to be active and are promoting active living. These stories make a difference and I am the one who can amplify their voice.

 photo on my way to first volunteer shift during the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver

 Group shot from 2008 Olympic Academy where my own flame was lit

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